The Lookout Education Centre

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The Lookout Education Centre

Working together to nurture lifelong learns

  1. Attendance



At The Lookout Education Centre, we aim to provide our students with a rich and varied education offer through a personalised curriculum maintaining continuity, where appropriate, with the home school curriculum missed due to health circumstances.

Education takes place in the Education Centre or on the wards and students receive a reduced timetable, up to two hours of school each day, as appropriate to their age, stage and current circumstances.  Knowledge of pupils is gained through formative assessment (summative if appropriate), observation, conversations with family, liaison with home school / involved professionals and sharing of key information and prior assessments.

Each young person receives a well-planned and considered curriculum offer from a Lead Teacher, which, whilst taking full account of their medical, social, emotional and academic learning needs, focuses on overcoming their individual barriers in order for them to progress to their current potential.

Teachers and teaching assistants liaise closely with the home school of each student and then personalise and adapt the planning sent, to ensure appropriate pitch and challenge